Equipment that every security guard should have

If a security guard doesn’t possess the right security guard equipment, it may affect his performance at work and the overall safety of the neighborhood or location he is guarding. Investing in excellent and practical tools and equipment will make the people around feel safer and the guard himself. 

What Is The Guard’s Role?

The role of a security guard is to serve and protect his community and offer help to his residents in time of need. He should be constantly alert and ready to react in case of an emergency. He should get to know the residents, so it’s easier for him to realize if there was an intruder. Being available throughout the day and especially throughout the night is a must if you mean to be a good security guard and understand the severity of your job.

Must-Have Equipment


  • Uniform – a uniform is an essential part of a security guard’s equipment. The uniform is what will help him be recognizable and stand out in a crowd of people. Every professional security guard should constantly wear a uniform during his working hours. 
  • Combat Boots – These are a vital part of the security guard equipment considering security guards spend most of their work time standing or on foot. The boots must be comfortable for standing as well as running and are durable for all seasons. They should be lightweight and easy to function in. 
  • Utility Belt – A utility belt is a must when it comes to security guard equipment. This belt will come in handy when there is an emergency where a handyman is needed. The belt consists of several clips where the security guard can hang his equipment, accessible and easy to grab. This handy belt allows the security guard to react quickly in times of trouble.
  • Bulletproof Vest – A vest is also convenient as well as a belt. A bulletproof vest will protect the security guard in case of an oncoming fire or if the enemy decides to get physical. The vest will provide good protection in both cases. It’s also a place where the security guard can hang his walkie-talkie and keep some of his smaller personal belongings. 


  • Flashlight – A security guard must have a high-quality flashlight in his security guard equipment. Especially when they are night patrolling and checking if everything is secured. The flashlight should be far-fetching and powerful. There should also be a spare set of batteries on hand at every moment. 
  • Handgun or Teaser – An armed security guard will provide more excellent protection for his fellow citizens as well as for himself. Whether it’s a handgun or teaser depends on the qualification and specialization of the security guard. Many jobs require carrying a gun on duty for complete protection, so an authorized security guard shouldn’t be hard to find. 
  • Mini First Aid Kit – A stored miniature first aid kit can always come in hand. Whether it’s a small emergency such as a cut or something more severe, the components of a first aid kit will surely be helpful.
  •  Pen and Paper – A security guard has to possess pen and paper at every moment. It is good to write down information in case of trouble or to be able to hand out a piece with details to someone in need. 
  • Communication Device – Communication in time of emergency is critical. With that being said, a walkie-talkie radio or smartphone is essential to inform the other security guard patrols and the police station about the details of the accident. Any form or communicational device is welcome. 
  • Defense Equipment – In case of an accident or attack, a security guard should be equipped with defense devices to protect himself and the people around them. The options for defense equipment are various and should be chosen depending on the specialization of the hired security guard. 


Your security guard is a safety precaution that every neighborhood or location needs. The most crucial thing is that the chosen security guard has common sense and good judgment. He should have good mental qualities and should be prepared to protect his community at all costs. Being a security guard is not a simple job, but it is rather challenging and exhausting. Security guards around the world deserve our utmost recognition.