Security patrol procedures: Dos and Don’ts

The job of a security guard is challenging and very responsible. Although many types of security guards provide security services on different levels and secure distinct properties, some security procedures apply to every security category. Security procedures are demanding strategies that encompass various tactics but also specific actions that are not applicable or recommended. Our security guard patrol consists of highly trained and instructed guards that take their duties seriously and are experienced in all security techniques. 

Why are security patrol procedures important?

Security measures are a set of various policies, techniques, and approaches that provides security for people and properties, depending on security objectives. These procedures are carefully tailored to respond to various emergencies and situations that include security risks and help the guards maintain safety. Establishing precise procedures is vital for security guards as it prepares them for different occurrences that might happen and teaches them how to respond appropriately. Security guards must define procedures in advance to avoid being left to improvise and to be able to cover every instance of a particular emergency. Even though all types of security guards are trained to think fast and find solutions in unexpected circumstances, their training results in having a profound knowledge of appropriate responses to a broad range of states. 

Security measures involve various steps and procedures that should be done in a particular situation but also alternative techniques and actions that shouldn’t be done in any case. While it’s important to know the steps that security officers must follow when doing their job, it’s also essential to know the actions that security guards should not apply. The right combination of appropriate and unrecommended actions is the winning approach that secures the efficiency of security procedures. These security measures are tailored to provide the safety of the client and also of the security staff.Security patrol procedures: Dos and Don'ts

Dos of security patrol procedures

Always be aware and alert

Security officers must always be aware of the potential risks. That includes being focused on their duties and alert to notice any suspicious activity or person. 

Stay professional

When on duty, security staff must act and remain professional regardless of the occasion. That is the only way to ensure following the procedures and adequate response.

Remain calm

Security staff can face various situations and different people that might provoke certain feelings and make security guards lose their temper. However, remaining calm and composed is the only way to maintain control and provide the right response.

This particularly applies to armed patrol. Security guards that have permission to wear a firearm have greater responsibility due to the security patrol equipment they govern. 

Be in good physical condition

Good physical shape is vital for providing security service. That especially implies to those security officers that have to patrol properties. Being in the good physical condition is required no matter how often should a security officer do patrols and how broad the property and location they have to monitor in patrolling. Besides patrol security, access control security guards are a type of security officer whose position requires good physical shape and a certain level of strength as they often get in situations where it is required of them to defeat intruders and physically prevent unwelcome persons from entering the property.

Always be physically and mentally prepared

As the security guard’s job is highly responsible and encompasses numerous possibly dangerous situations, coming to work mentally and physically prepared for changes that might occur is crucial for providing protection. That includes being physically prepared with adequate training and full security patrol equipment that actual duties require and mentally prepared for risk assessment and physical pressure that might occur due to stress and emergencies.

Various intense situations might happen, and the security officer must be prepared to deal with them. That includes following a patrol guide and security measures required in particular situations, even in highly intense, dangerous, and stressful situations. Being prepared to work and proceed with the protocol under great pressure is particularly important in emergencies such as active shooter scenarios or biohazard risks.

Stay cautious in unexpected high-risk situations

No one can fully predict what kind of situations might occur when on duty. Even though action security guards are prepared and trained for various emergencies and safety protocols, unexpected circumstances might occur. In these situations, it is crucial to be cautious, protect, and be responsible for the client and themselves. 

Be ready to operate different security equipment

Different security positions encompass different equipment. Security guards must be trained to operate various tools and which one to use depending on the situation and risk assessment. That includes being instructed on how access control systems function, how to monitor security cameras, the difference in handling stun gun vs. pepper spray, and when it is applicable to use different devices, tools, and other parts of equipment.

Don’ts of security patrol procedures

Don’t lose focus

Security guards must constantly be focused and not let anything distract them from their duties and procedures. That includes going to work rested and not under the influence of medications or other substances that might affect their concentration or cause sleepiness. That particularly applies to security officers that are in charge of monitoring security cameras and officers of mobile patrol security services because they have to remain constantly concentrated on noticing any suspectable person or action. 

Never step out from a professional attitude

Security guards might get distracted and deviate from established professional attitudes and approaches in numerous circumstances and situations. However, remaining professional, no matter the occurrence, is a prerequisite for providing a security service at the highest level.

Don’t neglect physical health and shape

Even if security staff are not required to do patrols, they should take care of their body health and remain in good condition. The job of a security officer requires quick physical reaction, focus on the surrounding, and providing mobile patrol security services, which can be difficult due to insufficient strength. That not only means having an optimal body weight and being physically strong to provide physical safety but also different health conditions that can affect guards’ ability to be concentrated and vigilant. Not being able and strong enough to defeat the offender reduces the guards’ ability to provide physical safety, which is a part of most security guard jobs.

Don’t use excessive force

Various emergencies require an adequate response. And when we say adequate, we mean that the used force shouldn’t exceed the risk and threat that emerged. Security officers must be trained and instructed to evaluate the amount of risk and provide an equivalent action but not to overreact. The affairs with nonviolent trespassers will undoubtedly require less force than an active shooter situation. Therefore security staff must be able to rightly evaluate the risk and react accordingly.

Never neglect the patrol guide

The patrol guide assesses the steps and procedures that a security guard should consider when on duty. This guide usually incorporates a series of checks that helps security guard complete their job tasks. Depending on the type of security they provide, a patrol guide might encompass a night patrolling security checklist, a checklist of doors in the property that should be checked, access control systems, or other lists with important assets that require surveillance. Neglecting the checklists in the patrol guide might lead to oversight of the significant features leaving space for unwanted situations.

Final thoughts

Security guards perform numerous different roles and provide a variety of services. Each requires training and knowledge, adequate equipment, and comprehension of all the dos and don’ts that the security guard job considers. If you wonder what to look for when hiring a security company, look no further. We provide high-quality services with experienced and thoroughly instructed, and trained professionals. Contact us, and we assure you will get the security you are looking for.